Training is conducted in a formal class setting. Different aspects of the Karate art are presented at each class. Normally all levels of students train together to everyone's benefit. Occasionally, advanced classes are held open only to higher ranked students.
A class normally consists of:
1. A warm up, calisthenics, and stretching to prepare the body for karate training.
2. Kihon - Practicing basic techniques. These are repeated many times to train the body to perform them
correctly and with increasing speed and power.
3. Kumite - Sparring drills done with a partner. There are many levels of Kumite, so the student can
advance systematically in ability and confidence.
4. Kata - Sequence of movements to familiarize dynamics and body mechanics in Karate: a) Body's
contraction and expansion; b) Power control; c) Speed control. Kata or form consists of predetermined
movements: punching, blocking, kicking and striking techniques, performed against imaginary
opponents. Katas progress from simple to more complex as the student's skill level advances.
5. A cool down and stretching to calm mind and body to peaceful state at the end of the class.

Dojo Floor
ISKF Colorado (Denver Dojo) has history for over forty five years. This floor has hosted a countless number of students over time. Lots of memories.

Adults Class
Karate training increases physical strength, flexibility and mental clarity. Regardless of your age or present physical condition, the right time to start is now. It's a decision you won't regret.

Kids Class
We offer training for boys and girls from ages six to twelve. Karate training provides physical and mental growth as well as increased self confidence. And, we have fun!